Quote is in front of a table with various square bowls and serving platters of raw vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, olives, tomatoes, chickpeas, bell peppers, corn, beet, mushrooms. Katie Murch and photo credit is on the bottom right of the image.

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Quote is in front of a light-skinned woman with blonde hair and glasses looking away from the camera and towards light through a shop's front door. Katie Murch and photo credit is on the bottom right of the image.
Quote is on the left of the photo while in the back is a green and brown hummingbird with its wings open perched on a brown branch. Katie Murch and photo credit is on the bottom right of the image.
Quote is in front of a dark skinned young boy playing in the water and laughing. Katie Murch and photo credit is on the bottom right of the image.
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